This is mostly as there is much conflicting information/versions and honestly i don't know enough to trouble shoot it yet. Problems setting up the environment took longer than expected, and i am not confident that i am "bug-free" moving forward. Given the time restraints of this project, I feel this is a major aspect to be considered. However, this was not a lost learning experience! I learned a lot about the differences between typescripts/es6, the workings of frameworks in general/Aurelia/ .net / MVC/ SPA./ Visual Studio/ Node package Manage (NPM)/ JSPM / Gulp .
So the decision is between:
1) Aurelia + Three.js. implemented as a web app
2) Unity deployed on Android.
To this end i
1)For the meantime when working with with Aurelia, i will use it more independently and in a more basic way. I.e using gulp watch to compile and launch a dummy server and using Sublime (insert: text editor of your preference). I will focus on the "front end" aspect first, using simulated database calls and build up from there.
I believe i have Three.js integrated into a working prototype with Aurelia. Now the challenge would be to learn the three.js framework, something which i have ZERO experience with (never touched 3d of any sort!)
2) Again, similar to above, i have unity downloaded and installed on Visual Studio (not so hard as it is supported by microsoft... a guide on doing this to come in the future) and again, i have ZERO experience with game design/Unity
So, the next steps are to do some small demo projects in both Unity and in Three.js looking at various tutorials and seeing which one I gravitate towards more!
The next guides will be my attempts at learning these :)
Cool !