Friday, 8 April 2016

April Update - No .NET+Aurelia | Unity vs Three.js

For now the idea of using Visual Studio as my environment along with integrating Aurelia into .net MVC SPA has been abandoned.

This is mostly as there is much conflicting information/versions and honestly i don't know enough to trouble shoot it yet. Problems setting up the environment took longer than expected, and i am not confident that i am "bug-free" moving forward. Given the time restraints of this project, I feel this is a major aspect to be considered. However, this was not a lost learning experience! I learned a lot about the differences between typescripts/es6, the workings of frameworks in general/Aurelia/ .net / MVC/ SPA./ Visual Studio/ Node package Manage (NPM)/ JSPM / Gulp .

So the decision is between:
1) Aurelia + Three.js. implemented as a web app
2) Unity deployed on Android.

To this end i

1)For the meantime when working with  with Aurelia, i will use it more independently and in a more basic way. I.e using gulp watch to compile and launch a dummy server and using Sublime (insert: text editor of your preference). I will focus on the "front end" aspect first, using simulated database calls and build up from there.

I believe i have Three.js integrated into a working prototype with Aurelia. Now the challenge would be to learn the three.js framework, something which i have ZERO experience with (never touched 3d of any sort!)

2) Again, similar to above, i have unity downloaded and installed on Visual Studio (not so hard as it is supported by microsoft... a guide on doing this to come in the future)  and again, i have ZERO experience with game design/Unity

So, the next steps are to do some small demo projects in both Unity and in Three.js looking at various tutorials and seeing which one I gravitate towards more! 

The next guides will be my attempts at learning these :)

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