Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Introduction - crop planner

My idea is to build a crop simulator that will accurately represent the growing of vegetables for hobbyists and enthusiasts with a strong emphasis on encouraging children to be involved.

To appeal to children there will be game like GUI  to simulate a real garden with a virtual garden.

This will enable a virtual model to be created inside the program by the user. This virtual garden can then be used to plan a real garden and help advise what can be grown at what times and what your space will allow. 

This project scope will initially cover the "square foot growing" method, where by there are specific numbers of plants that can fit into an area of 1 square foot. To begin a limited amount of vegetables will be implemented, but the architecture and design principles will allow further additions of potentially a limitless amount of new vegetables.

Ideally the interactions between plants/vegetables will increase in complexity over time, accounting for synergistic growing suggestions, and combinations to avoid.

The main challenge will be learning how to build a game like environment on my own while handling all other projects and studies as this aspect is not covered in my current course.

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